Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 16

Dahlia woke up looking, acting and feeling a lot better. She still has some moments when she gets upset and seems uncomfortable but she is also talking and laughing a lot. She is talking to the TV saying, "Oh no, OH NO, oh NO" and laughing as I type.

Dahlia will be going home with a PICC line. This is so that I will be able to give her her medications at home. She won't be getting this until Monday. She will need to be under general anesthesia again to put the PICC line in. Then if all goes well and she continues to do well, we might be able to go home Wednesday or Thursday.

So for now all is going good. Praying and praying that this ugly infection goes away. If it does not, this will mean more surgeries :(

Today a special shout out goes to Francis. She has been Dahlias nurse for the past couple days and she is super awesome. Hopefully by the time she's back we will be long gone. Francis if you are reading this, thank you so much for being so good to Dahlia. For treating her so well and for being so great with us. We've been through a lot of great nurses and you are most definitely one of our most favorites! Be safe and have fun in Texas!

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