Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 14.

I've been hesitant to update because I always say, "I'll update when I have better news". Then we'll hit a bump and there goes that.

So yesterday she had a catscan done. They confirmed that there is a pocket of what is probably pus due to an infection. The main concern is that it is right underneath the new patch on her diaphragm and although they said its not too likely, they are afraid it could get infected.

So today she will have yet another procedure done. Although its not exactly surgery, it is performed with the surgery team by a radiologist and she will go under general anesthesia. They are going to make a small incision where the collection of pus is and drain in. They will then leave a drain on the outside in case it continues to drain.

They said the drain will stay in for about 5 days. She is also on 3 different I.V. antibiotics. That means that this is not something we can give her at home. She will need to say here while they give her these. They estimate about another week in the hospital. It sucks so bad for her. But as long as she's getting better. As long as this can be taken care of and we won't have to come back. It just sucks. At least we are able to walk about with her in the hallways. And when she is up to it, there is a really nice play room.

So now we are waiting (literally) for the radiology department to call us down. I'm not sure how long it will take. My guess is about an hour. She had this same procedure done last year when she had an infection after her last surgery.

Praying all goes well. Thanks.

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