Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 4.

Hello all.

Dahlia was having some breathing issues. She was breathing kind of fast. They think this was because she still has some fluid in her chest cavity. They saw that there was a clog in the chest tube so they did some stuff to it to get it moving.  It worked because all this brown looking blood started coming out. This  is good. Brown blood is old blood so this is good. 

They said her X-ray from this morning looks about the same from yesterday but since stuff is coming out this is ok. 

AND best of all , she is breathing a lot better. She's still taking fast breaths but she's breathing better. Let hope this stays the same and keeps getting better. 

Since she's getting better we might be moving out of the PICU today. They told us this yesterday so lets see if we get to move on up. 

Thank you for checking in.

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